Mixed Space and Time

This will be a mixture of so many things.

After Quarantine

I know the after is something we are so excited about. What's to come in unpredictable. Will it be good or bad. Whatever is to come, we will learn to adapt. Things change all the time and most of the time, it is out of our control. We learn to adapt, that is a great thing.

So here is what I think...


My husband and some of his friends think that movie theaters will be no more. I disagree. People have been in their homes all day watching movies and shows, it would be nice to go out again. I think that movie theaters will still thrive, maybe not right away but eventually. Prices might go up a little so that they could make up for lost money and some theaters might close. Personally, I love to just go to the movie theater, get that amazing popcorn, and just enjoy a movie with a huge screen and super loudspeakers. Let's be honest, the whole ambiance of the theater is just way better than sitting at home on the couch. At least that's how I feel unless it's Harry Potter marathon at home, which I do often!


Retailers will have huge sales. This is the time that something will be worth buying now rather than later. I don’t think a lot of things will go down, but most will. You will be able to buy that new phone or buy that outfit you’ve been wanting but had no reason to get at the time. 


Oh, they will be making so much profit. Too many people had things to celebrate during this time and couldn’t. With clubs and bars opening, it is now time to party and let loose. Especially mothers! Mothers out there will be dropping kids off and going out to get some wine or whatever they drink. I personally don’t drink so I am not sure what the parent drink is. Sports will resume and that will bring up the profit for bars. 


I am not sure what the ratio is of people working out right now, but I know that gyms will thrive just like they did before. They might get more business but not sure.

Airlines/hotels/rental cars

Listen! Airlines will thrive. Not at first of course but they will. Too many people are wanting that amazing vacation on the beach or just a vacation period. It will be the perfect time to travel. Hotels will thrive because people are taking those vacations. It all starts with flying. I can't predict how the prices will be but travel will resume at some point and it will thrive again.


It’s Amazon lol. They are still doing good, even in these times. 

Theme Parks

Passholders will for sure be coming right away! I think theme parks will do good as well. They have so many pass holders that will bring in some cash flow in the beginning. I think as far as people coming that have to buy a ticket, might be a little later. You just never know because I know some parents might want to take their kids out to have some real fun.

Again, these are just my predictions/guesses. I am no expert and I may be wrong on so much of this. If you have any thoughts, let me know. 


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